Like any specialised area, hoplology has its own discipline-specific terminology. Below are definitions of some of the more common terms within hoplology, along with some of the more well-known principles.

Hoplology: Hoplology is the study of the evolution and development of human combative behaviour and performance.

Three axioms of Hoplology
1. Human combative behaviour is rooted in our evolution
2. Human combative behaviour can be divided into two basic forms: affective and predatory
3. Human combative behaviour is inseperably linked to weapons use.

Draeger on weapons and systems
The general Anthropological approach is to examine the weapon out of context with no real treatment of the unity; a weapon is always tied to a system.

Draeger on weapons
Morphology will dictate technique.

Bujutsu vs Budo
Budo is characterised by:
1. morals
2. discipline
3. aesthetic form (Draeger: Classical Budo, p. 36)

By contrast, in Bujutsu is manifested by the threefold relationship:
1. combat
2 discipline
3. morals (Draeger: Modern Bujutsu and Budo, p. 56)

The Bujutsu are concerned with group survival, the Budo with the individual’s self perfection.
Bujutsu are for the professional, while Budo are for the amateur

Draeger”s Paradox: Not all fighting arts are martial arts, and not all martial arts are fighting arts.

Draeger on Intelligence: Intelligence is contextual not hierarchical.

Draeger on Training (transcribed from a lecture given in Hawaii, courtesy of Pat Lineberger):
The importance of training cannot be overlooked. Training, properly done, re-organises experience, completely re-adjusts perceptions and re-inforces attention to what one is doing. These are the conditions essential to the fighting man.

Draeger on Field Trips: It is impossible to develop future hoplologists without this experience.

Draeger on Point of View (POV)
While Hoplology subsumes both the emic (insider) and etic (outsider) points of view, it privileges the emic POV.

Armstrong on mindset: One mind, any weapon

Keeley on the human propensity to use weapons:
When a boy goes into the bush, the first thing he does is to pick up a stick.